
Corona and the working-class youth

20. Juni 2020 um 15:00 – 17:00
Liga für die Fünfte Internationale
Corona and the working-class youth @ Online-Veranstaltung

Corona and the working-class youth

The impact of the pandemic on working-class youth in semi-colonies and imperialist centres

The global crisis of capitalism has sharpened due to the pandemic. Mass layoffs of workers and other major attacks on the working classes are the strategy of the global ruling classes to shift the burden of the crisis onto the working masses. One section of the working class hit the hardest by the current situation is the youth, whose very future hangs in the balance.

Join us for a discussion on how the pandemic and the capitalist response to it have affected education for the working classes in semi-colonial countries and imperialist centres.

We will have Zahabia K and Waqas Angaria from the Progressive Students Federation in Karachi, Pakistan, as well as Baloch Student organization member Habib Kareem, who will all speak about the impact of the introduction of online classes on working class youth in Pakistan, particularly those based in the peripheries.

Jacqueline Singh, a member of the League for the Fifth International’s German section, Gruppe Arbeiterinnenmacht, and communist youth organisation REVOLUTION, will talk about the issues that students in Europe are facing while Martin Suchanek, a member of Gruppe Arbeiterinnenmacht, will introduce on the overall crisis and how it is affecting the working class and poor masses across the world.

Minerwa, a socialist from Pakistan, will moderate the discussion.

Speakers will introduce on their topics for 10 minutes each, after which we will take questions and contributions via the Facebook live stream. The discussion will take place in English. Join us on 20th June at 6pm Karachi time, 3pm Berlin time and 2pm London time.

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