
The impending catastrophe and how to fight it

2. Mai 2020 um 16:00 – 18:00
Liga für die Fünfte Internationale
The impending catastrophe and how to fight it @ Online-Veranstaltung

We will not pay for the pandemic, we will not pay for the crisis!

The world is being shaken by a historic crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic is still spreading around the globe, with more than 200,000 already dead and many millions in imminent danger. The pandemic did not cause the global recession we have entered, but it acted as a catalyst, deepening and synchronising it.

This is not just another turn in the business cycle, but a historic crisis of the entire capitalist system. It will increase imperialist rivalry and confrontation and, at the same time, aggravate the environmental disasters we already faced. It is a crisis that the ruling classes want us to pay for. A crisis, therefore, that threatens historic attacks on the conditions of the working class and the semi-colonial world.
All revolutionary, all working class, organisations are faced with the question: How can we prevent the catastrophe which is in the making? How can we defend ourselves against the threats of the pandemic, of unemployment, of poverty and hunger?

We will address these questions in the international meeting on May 2nd with speakers from Brazil, the US, Pakistan and Europe (Austria, Britain, France, Germany, Sweden). We will take up the key issues of the global class struggle, aiming to outline a revolutionary answer to the crisis.

The meeting will be streamed on Facebook. Comrades can raise questions and comments via the chat function. We will aim to respond to all of them in a second round from the speakers.

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