
Many struggles, one fight – Women of the world unite

13. März 2021 um 16:00 – 18:00
Many struggles, one fight - Women of the world unite @ Online-Veranstaltung

Many struggles, one fight – Women of the world unite

International Women’s day meeting of the League for the Fifth International with speakers from Liga Socialista (Brazil), Red Flag (Britain), Gruppe ArbeiterInnenmacht (Germany) and Revolutionary Socialist Movement (Pakistan)

For more than a year, the pandemic has been turning our lives upside down.  Lockdowns, social distancing, working from home, the closure of schools and the whole range of socialisation venues , the threats and increasing reality of unemployment – the list has grown into a long one. So too has the fear and anxiety for friends, family and one’s own existence. This has became is a daily experience for many – especially for many working people. And due to the fact that the roots of women’s oppression lie in their responsibilities in the home having to stay at home has opened more women to domestic violence at a time when women’s centres, already inadequate have closed. Already paid less than men the loss of earnings means many women are already in a deep economic crisis.

So on March 8 this year we need to needs to look at how the burdens on working-class women has increased since the outbreak of the pandemic, what are the most acute problems we face and how they are related to the fundamental causes of our oppression and exploitation. Women form a huge proportion of the workers who have been on the front line facing the effects of covid – in hospitals, care homes, schools, or who have lost their jobs in catering, retail and entertainment in huge numbers. All of these challenges pose the need for s collective action to ensure  that the reopening of workplaces is safe, to stop women being in the forefront of those losing their jobs, to combat increased violence in the family and on the streets, including racist violence against refugees an migrants .

Women have n been fighting back with teachers an health workers in many countries setting an example At our online rally we will take have a closer look at these questions focussing on the lessons to be learned for how women’s oppression can be fought?

  • How a strong mass working class women’s movement can coalesce from all these struggle?
  • How it can give a huge boost to the fight against unemployment, impoverishment racism an war?
  • Finally how all of these link to the fight for women’s liberation, the end of capitalisms and building a socialist world.


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