
Climate Crisis and Class Struggle in the Global South

26. Januar 2023 um 18:30
Göttingen, Cafe Neighbours
Rote Straße 39
Workers and Youth Relief Campaign
Climate Crisis and Class Struggle in the Global South @ Göttingen, Cafe Neighbours

Climate Crisis and Class Struggle in the Global South

Göttingen, the 26.01.23 in Cafe Neighbours, Rote Straße 39, entry at 6.30 pm

Together we will talk about the connection of climate change and capitalism on the example of the historic flood, that devasted more than one third of Pakistan´s land mass in the summer and autumn of 2022. We will discuss and propose possibilities of how the climate movement and the workers movement across the Global South and North can join hands. We will argue that they have a joint interest in cancelling debts, preventing climate catastrophe, achieving an ecological and social society free of capitalist exploitation of humanity and nature.

The event will host speakers from both Pakistan and Germany who have been active in the workers movement and ecological movements alike.

The talk will be given in English

Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch gehalten. Für eine deutsche Übersetzung ist gesorgt.

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